Time to give your PR and Marketing a spring clean

So when was the last time your reviewed your PR and Marketing strategy?  We are all guilty of being busy doing what we do best but sometimes it is good to sit backDaffodils_March 14 and reflect and then put some new ideas into action.  Brainstorming is an effective way to kick start your PR and Marketing strategy, it allows you to bounce ideas back and forth and often stimulates new and exciting thought processes and in turn effective solutions to make your business grow.

A successful brainstorming session with an outsider who has a different perspective and brings new ideas about your business is beneficial.  Get away from your office, turn all gadgets off and this will be the start of some creative thinking!  Consider your own ideas before the brainstorm and identify an area of growth for your business – this may be launch of a new product or service, hosting an event, increasing traffic to your website, being more active on social media – the list is endless. Then let the brainstorming begin!  Discuss and consider all ideas of how you are going to achieve your goal regardless how ridiculous they may seem.  Stay focussed and don’t stray away from your initial idea and listen to all suggestions made.  Keep track of everyone’s thoughts on a flip board or a large piece of paper will do!

At the end of the session you will have a list of ideas, identify the best ones and then plan how you are going to go about achieving your goals. Believe in yourself and your business and trust your judgement.  Invest in the process, plan for success and watch your business grow!

Miles PR & Marketing will brainstorm your PR and Marketing strategy with a one hour consultation and provide you with a summary plan to energise your business. Please contact us to find out more.

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